Jordys Jungle #1 Milkshakes

Commentary from the most important and leading critics of the science of Cartoonology:

So, Jordy has branched out on his own! Spinning off his OWN strip with this little 'Perry' creature. What, I wonder, is the issue? Were they not good enough for him over at Apples and Orbifolds? Some contractual issues?

Well, I heard that he wanted his own trailer on the set, and although they provided something, it didn't have all the upgrades.

Upgrades? What upgrades did he requires?

It was an XL-MO45 Milkshake maker.

What? Gosh and Golley! And this new Jordy/Perry outfit provides it?

Yes, but unfortunately, he was enjoying them TOO must before the first strip. They had an amazing storyline developed, guest writers from NBC, HBO, and LucasFilms had collaborated on a script involving aliens, time travel, explosions galore, but unfortunately, they couldn't get Mr. Jordy to do any lines that weren't about milkshakes.


The Peasant Comments