Apples and Orbifolds #8 Java Power

Commentary from the most important and leading critics of the science of Cartoonology:

That Quad Latte looks good, this strip makes me want another mocha. Where's the "make another mocha" button on this web page? Didn't the blog say a bunch of crazy web development was done for this 're-launch'? You telling me he couldn't put a "make a mocha" button on the web page? LAME. I believe the treat the comic critics better at Beetle Bailey.

The Peasant Comments

Rachel, Jul/26/2014

Don't you know too much caffeine is bad for you? Well unless it's a hazelnut frappacino!

David (cartoonist), Jul/26/2014

Supposedly this cartoon (original published in the UW Daily somewhere in the 1990's) still resides on the billboard of the University of Washington Mathematics department at Padelford Hall. It this true? What was the last sighting of this cartoon? If this cartoon were redrawn today, what should take the place of the "Smith Lemma"? What is the most "sleep producing" lecture you've sat through?