Apples and Orbifolds #47 THBD1: Prelude

Commentary from the most important and leading critics of the science of Cartoonology:

I say, what is that foreshadowing in the bottom of the last panel?

Hmm, some little giggling bloby things ...

This strip is too confusing. And why is Mina so set on a haircut? Doesn't she realize the pony tail is the gentleman's approach to lengthening hair? Why just look at the beautiful, well organized locks that drape along my shoulders

You know, I've always found your pony tail a bit pretentious.

What? Pretentious? Well I say! That is most rude sir Jordy!

I think you'd look better with a baseball cap.

Good heavens! A cap? Preposterous! Never would a wear a baseball cap!

I think it would look good, let me talk to wardrobe

Dr. Jordy! You shall do no such thing!

The Peasant Comments

Hot for ponytail, Sep/29/2014

OK, well they have redeemed themselves to a small degree in this one....I expect them to stay SOMEWHAT on topic related to the strip. Some of you may know that the artist and writer of this comic strip sported a ponytail in his day...I didn't know him then, but pictures show a striking resemblance to Fabio :)