Apples and Orbifolds #42 An Absorbing Book - part 6

Commentary from the most important and leading critics of the science of Cartoonology:

What? Me again?

Well Steg, there was no else around to be a critic. It's just us.

Hmm, so we've got to talk to ourselves eh?

I'm afraid so. Better than talking to all the newbie's with their crazy ideas.

True true. Last week Janis tried to convince me to go on the Paleo diet.

What that 'new' diet where people eat like their ancestors?

Ha! That's right! Little do they know we ate some of their ancestors!

Like the time that plumb cavey rolled through that patch of mustard and tomatoes!

The Peasant Comments

Dr. Wikipedia, Sep/24/2014

I must say, this commentary makes no sense. Steg - clearly pulling a likeness to Stegosaurus, is in fact a herbivore. I find it preposterous that he would eat a plumb caveman covered in mustard and tomatoes.