Apples and Orbifolds #36 Book Coersion

Commentary from the most important and leading critics of the science of Cartoonology:

So, is Janis wearing a headlamp on her head?

What? No, from what I understand, that is a, uh, er, um, it's some kind of hippy strap.

What is that she's wearing, a tank top?

Um, no, those are overalls.

I would NOT wear that.

Uh, of course not Simon, those are girl overalls, you are a boy.

So she's like a hot hippy?

Umm, well, I guess so, you know Simon, you sound different today.

But I wouldn't mind being her overalls for a day --hacked by: Naughty Nancy

OhMyGawd! The website's been hacked! Security breach! Alert! Alert!

The Peasant Comments