Commentary from the most important and leading critics of the science of Cartoonology:
Huh, I guess that's a good way to deal with losing part of a comic strip. I mean, the show must go on.
Really, and even the image at the end? Do you like that? The imminent dismemberment of the Jordy character? Do you like imagining his body being...
Uh, well now, that's the part I'm a little uncomfortable with.
I mean, if you couldn't find the jelly, would you make a
peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwich?
No! I don't think so!
Just eat your peanut butter and bread! You'll be happier!
Now Jordy, you must be more adventurous.
What? No, I will never eat a peanut butter and
mayonnaise sandwich.
Oh come on, it can be quite delicious.
Come on, would you do it for 5 dollars?
What? No!
Twelve dollars?
No, er, I mean, huh, a whole twelve dollars?
Now we're talking Kraft right? The real thing?
Not some whimpy "miracle whip"?