Apples and Orbifolds #13 Where's it Going?

Commentary from the most important and leading critics of the science of Cartoonology:

Yea! That's where you put that stuff! No more will we hide the details that bring us to the results! All those computations and scrawled out messy equations that get sanitized for the results, jam them into the thesis! Let the audience see how we suffered to make these cute little itsby bitsy lemmas and theorems!

Rightio! Fatten those thesis! The world wants to read them! You want to have something to show for a decade of graduate school!

uh, you took 10 years?

oh, did I say a decade, pardon me, uh, I meant a umm, near decade, uh, oh well.

The Peasant Comments

Numbers challenged, Aug/10/2014

Math jokes. Don't really get them. But I don't get math in general.

David (cartoonist), Aug/10/2014

The first version of my dissertation was kind of like this, more along the lines of a big dump of equations. My advisor led me through a LOT of work after a meeting like this :)